Current audio-visual separation methods share a standard architecture design where an audio encoder-decoder network is fused with visual encoding features at the encoder bottleneck. This design confounds the learning of multi-modal feature encoding with robust sound decoding for audio separation. To generalize to a new instrument: one must finetune the entire visual and audio network for all musical instruments. We re-formulate visual-sound separation task and propose Instrument as Query (iQuery) with a flexible query expansion mechanism. Our approach ensures cross-modal consistency and cross-instrument disentanglement. We utilize "visually named" queries to initiate the learning of audio queries and use cross-modal attention to remove potential sound source interference at the estimated waveforms. To generalize to a new instrument or event class, drawing inspiration from the text-prompt design, we insert an additional query as an audio prompt while freezing the attention mechanism. Experimental results on three benchmarks demonstrate that our iQuery improves audio-visual sound source separation performance.
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Geometry problem solving is a well-recognized testbed for evaluating the high-level multi-modal reasoning capability of deep models. In most existing works, two main geometry problems: calculation and proving, are usually treated as two specific tasks, hindering a deep model to unify its reasoning capability on multiple math tasks. However, in essence, these two tasks have similar problem representations and overlapped math knowledge which can improve the understanding and reasoning ability of a deep model on both two tasks. Therefore, we construct a large-scale Unified Geometry problem benchmark, UniGeo, which contains 4,998 calculation problems and 9,543 proving problems. Each proving problem is annotated with a multi-step proof with reasons and mathematical expressions. The proof can be easily reformulated as a proving sequence that shares the same formats with the annotated program sequence for calculation problems. Naturally, we also present a unified multi-task Geometric Transformer framework, Geoformer, to tackle calculation and proving problems simultaneously in the form of sequence generation, which finally shows the reasoning ability can be improved on both two tasks by unifying formulation. Furthermore, we propose a Mathematical Expression Pretraining (MEP) method that aims to predict the mathematical expressions in the problem solution, thus improving the Geoformer model. Experiments on the UniGeo demonstrate that our proposed Geoformer obtains state-of-the-art performance by outperforming task-specific model NGS with over 5.6% and 3.2% accuracies on calculation and proving problems, respectively.
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Various depth estimation models are now widely used on many mobile and IoT devices for image segmentation, bokeh effect rendering, object tracking and many other mobile tasks. Thus, it is very crucial to have efficient and accurate depth estimation models that can run fast on low-power mobile chipsets. In this Mobile AI challenge, the target was to develop deep learning-based single image depth estimation solutions that can show a real-time performance on IoT platforms and smartphones. For this, the participants used a large-scale RGB-to-depth dataset that was collected with the ZED stereo camera capable to generated depth maps for objects located at up to 50 meters. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Raspberry Pi 4 platform, where the developed solutions were able to generate VGA resolution depth maps at up to 27 FPS while achieving high fidelity results. All models developed in the challenge are also compatible with any Android or Linux-based mobile devices, their detailed description is provided in this paper.
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We propose an analysis in fair learning that preserves the utility of the data while reducing prediction disparities under the criteria of group sufficiency. We focus on the scenario where the data contains multiple or even many subgroups, each with limited number of samples. As a result, we present a principled method for learning a fair predictor for all subgroups via formulating it as a bilevel objective. Specifically, the subgroup specific predictors are learned in the lower-level through a small amount of data and the fair predictor. In the upper-level, the fair predictor is updated to be close to all subgroup specific predictors. We further prove that such a bilevel objective can effectively control the group sufficiency and generalization error. We evaluate the proposed framework on real-world datasets. Empirical evidence suggests the consistently improved fair predictions, as well as the comparable accuracy to the baselines.
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在没有解密的情况下对加密数据进行神经网络推断是一种流行的方法,可以使隐私神经网络(PNET)作为服务。与用于机器学习的常规神经网络相比,PNET需要额外的编码,例如量化精确数字和多项式激活。加密输入还引入了新颖的挑战,例如对抗性鲁棒性和安全性。据我们所知,我们是第一个研究问题,包括(i)PNET是否比常规神经网络对对抗性输入更强大? (ii)如何在没有解密的情况下设计强大的PNET?我们建议使用PNET攻击来生成黑框对抗示例,这些示例可以成功攻击目标和非目标方式。攻击结果表明,需要改进针对对抗输入的PNET鲁棒性。这不是一项琐碎的任务,因为PNET模型所有者无法访问输入值的明文,这阻止了现有检测和防御方法的应用,例如输入调整,模型归一化和对抗性培训。为了应对这一挑战,我们提出了一种新的快速准确的噪声插入方法,称为RPNET,以设计强大的私人神经网络。我们的综合实验表明,PNET-ITSTACK比先前的工作减少了至少$ 2.5 \ times $的查询。我们从理论上分析了我们的RPNET方法,并证明RPNET可以降低$ \ sim 91.88 \%$ $攻击成功率。
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光学计算是一种新兴技术,用于下一代高效人工智能(AI),其速度和效率超高。电磁场模拟对于光子设备和电路的设计,优化和验证至关重要。但是,昂贵的数值模拟显着阻碍了光子电路设计循环中的可扩展性和转环。最近,已经提出了物理信息的神经网络来预测具有预定义参数的部分微分方程(PDE)的单个实例的光场解。它们复杂的PDE公式和缺乏有效的参数化机制限制了其在实际模拟方案中的灵活性和概括。在这项工作中,首次提出了一个被称为Neurolight的物理敏捷神经操作员框架,以学习一个频率域的麦克斯韦PDE家族,以进行超快速的参数光子设备模拟。我们通过几种新技术来平衡神经照明的效率和概括。具体而言,我们将不同的设备离散到统一域中,代表具有紧凑型波的参数PDE,并通过掩盖的源建模编码入射光。我们使用参数效率高的跨形神经块设计模型,并采用基于叠加的增强来进行数据效率学习。通过这些协同方法,神经亮像可以概括为大量的看不见的模拟设置,比数值求解器显示了2个磁性的模拟速度,并且比先前的神经网络模型优于降低54%的预测误差,而降低了约44%的参数。 。我们的代码可在上找到。
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